WP1 - Sample collection and assays-by-sequence
WP Leader: Dr. Celine Sabatel – DIAGEN
Deputy WP leader: Dr. Hervé Acloque – INRA
Deputy WP leader: Dr. Hervé Acloque – INRA
Involved partners: DIAGEN, INRA, UEDIN
Functional annotation of pig and chicken genomes aims at identifying functional elements (coding and regulatory) that are active, poised or repressed in organs and tissues. As the activation status of these functional genome sequences varies not only between cells and tissues but also over time, it is necessary to take into account the dynamics (“switches”) of the functional genome from embryo/fetus to adult life. To achieve these annotations, molecular assays known to provide core information on gene transcription and regulatory elements’ activity are carried out on collections of tissues representing different developmental and adult stages. No datasets or samples representing fetal or embryonic stages are available in the FAANG data portal for these two species and GENE-SWitCH will fill in this gap.
WP1 - Sample collection and assays-by-sequence
WP2 - New annotation maps of pig and chicken genomes WP3 - FAANG Data Coordination, Standardisation and Integration WP4 - Improving predictive models for genomic selection WP5 - Influence of maternal diet on epigenetic programming of offspring WP6 - Outreach, dissemination and training WP7 - Project management and consortium coordination WP8 - Ethics |