WP3 - FAANG data coordination, standardisation and integration
WP Leader: Dr. Guy Cochrane – EMBL
Deputy WP leader: Dr. Andrea Rosati – EAAP
Deputy WP leader: Dr. Andrea Rosati – EAAP
Involved partners: EMBL, EAAP
The FAANG DCC established a data submission process based upon validation of spreadsheet templates and subsequent automated conversion to formats required by the public archives. This process ensured conformation to standards, rich metadata and protected users from complex programmatic submission interfaces, but user provision of metadata remains a challenging and time-consuming process provides a focal point for the community, presenting data submitted to various archives through a single web portal interface. However, to date the system remains largely untested in terms of its full potential, as data provision has been limited thus far. As FAANG moves into its next phase, with significantly more funding for data generation around the world, it will be important for the portal development to innovate to ensure that the influx of datasets remain easily searchable and visible within the portal. Added value data presentation is also in its infancy, with opportunity for integration of analysis tracks, graphical visualisation, publication tracking and project pages that highlight the scientific findings of the varied FAANG projects, protocols and analysis pipelines.
WP1 - Sample collection and assays-by-sequence
WP2 - New annotation maps of pig and chicken genomes WP3 - FAANG Data Coordination, Standardisation and Integration WP4 - Improving predictive models for genomic selection WP5 - Influence of maternal diet on epigenetic programming of offspring WP6 - Outreach, dissemination and training WP7 - Project management and consortium coordination WP8 - Ethics |